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No because we have 6 hours of school and they expext us to spend our time learning.

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13y ago
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12y ago

It makes children obese and unfit and unhealthy, because they don't get outside to the outside world , which is a precise gift.

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Q: Is homwork good
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This question is ridiculous and should not be answered

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if this is for homwork guess

Why is there homwork?

To make sure kids understand the work at school. I get tons! (;

Is it bad to do homwork every night?

Yes, but it helps for upcoming tests and assignments.

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s.s homwork but the answer is see on youtube

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because the teacher said it would be a piece of cake

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hey well ive goyt tscience homwork in fo tomo

What comes from animals that can be used to make soil better i need it for homwork due tomorrow?
