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Heparin is not a low molecular weight heparin

I'm thinking that the 5000 you are referring to is 5000 units because 5000 units administered subcutaneously two or three times daily as a pretty standard dose for preventing blood clots with heparin

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Q: Is heparin 5000 a Low molecular weight heparin?
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the half life of heparin is 2 hours and that of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) is 4 hours

Does low molecular weight heparin cross the placenta?

Yes, low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) can cross the placenta but it has a lower placental transfer compared to unfractionated heparin due to its higher molecular weight and longer half-life. Maternal and fetal levels of LMWH should be monitored to ensure appropriate anticoagulation during pregnancy.

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Trevor David Power has written: 'Derivatization of low molecular weight heparin with polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether (MPEG)' -- subject(s): Heparin, Chemistry, Methyl ether

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Enoxaparin was developed by the Sanofi-Aventis company. It was patented in 1987 and approved for medical use in 1993. Enoxaparin is a low molecular weight heparin that is used as an anticoagulant to prevent blood clot formation.

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This is a catalyst.

What are the different types of heparin and how do they differ in terms of their effectiveness and side effects?

There are two main types of heparin: unfractionated heparin (UFH) and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). UFH is more effective in treating acute conditions but requires close monitoring due to its higher risk of side effects like bleeding. LMWH is easier to use and has a lower risk of side effects, making it a preferred choice for long-term treatment.

Density of low molecular weight polyisobutylene?

The density of low molecular weight polyisobutylene (PIB) typically ranges from 0.87 to 0.92 g/cm3. The exact value may vary based on factors such as molecular weight and purity of the material. It is a generally low-density material.

Why is fragmin used with warfarin?

Fragmin/Heparin a low-molecular-weight heparin is a new DVT treatment. It's effective within hours, reducing complications and hospitalizations. You can do the injections at home, once or twice daily, on an outpatient basis. And because it is more consistent and predictable, it doesn't require regular blood tests. Also the duration of action of a single dose of warfarin is 2 to 5 days.

What is considered a high molecular weight is 84.02 high low or somewhere in between?

The absolute value of molecular weight (molar mass) is somewhat arbitrary. It's like asking if 100 is a large number, small number or somewhere in between. There are molecular weights as low as, say 2 g/mole for H2 gas, and as high as several thousand for a protein or other polymer. So, a molecular weight of 84 is high compared to a MW of 2, but is low compared to a MW of 100,000.

Is dextrine chemical?

yes, Dextrins are a group of low-molecular-weight carbohydrates produced by the hydrolysis of starch or glycogen.

Are there any treatments for a stroke?

You use oedema reducing agents in stroke. Give general supportive care to the patient, including intravenous fluids. Then, two types of patho-physiology affect you with stroke. One is by way of infarction of the brain tissue and other is by way of bleeding inside the brain tissue. This can be confirmed by CAT scanning. You give blood thinning agents in case of infarction including low molecular weight heparin or heparin itself. Most of the patients eventually recover, partially or totally.