They are two different meanings. Health care is more general in meaning all the different ways health care can be implemented, including things like education and awareness. When it is combined into healthcare it means more specifically the facilities and programs that are put in place to help with health care, or care of health.
When there are more options for healthcare, demand will drop. When there are less options, demand will increase for quality healthcare.
It is actually both, usage is based on preference. Generally "healthcare" is used by hospitals, while "health care" is used by other services.
The difference between Canadian healthcare and American healthcare is simple: Candian healthcare is universal (everyone receives it and pays for it through taxes) while American healthcare is privatized.
A health professional is the person that provides the service of health care.
Caris healthcare is a hospice organization.
HC or HHCare abbreviations for Health Care.
A health professional is the person that provides the service of health care.
Private health care is a branch of health care that is not covered by the government. Jobs, such as private home care in the UK is an example or medical care such as the health care in the United States.
what does a health care provider means to you
actually the government of cuba pays for there healthcare
P&D health care
Spain has a National Healthcare program.