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Q: Is having freckles normal
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Having freckles is dominant (F) and not having freckles is recessive (f). A mother has Ff and a father has ff. If they have a child which genotype will make their child not have freckles?

ff (apex)

How do you get freckls?

You are either born with them, or you have a skin condition but having a few extra freckles appear around the age of puberty is perfectly normal. If you notice a freckle or a mole anywhere on your body that seems suspicious to you, contact a doctor immediately.Well, you get freckles by the sun. Freckles are also known as "Sun Kisses" As Katy Perry once said. Freckles are a type of sun damage. If you have a more pale complexion, you are more likely to get freckles.

Does Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz have freckles?

In both the book and most adaptations, Dorothy is not described as having freckles.

Having freckles is dominant (F), and not having freckles is recessive (f). A mother has Ff and a father has ff. If they have a child, which genotype will make their child not have freckles?

ff (apex)

Can two parents who do not have freckles have a child with freckles?

Yes, if they both carry a recessive (hidden gene) for freckles, then yes their child would have a 25% chance of having freckles.

Are freckles attractive?

MMMM.... Everyone has freckles. No one can help having them. Whats so wrong about freckles? If you have them you should be proud of them. Just say you have some freckles and a bigger ugly one. Who cares!!!! freckles are cute and it dosent really matter about your apperance anyway. So in my book freckles r attractive

Are there any skin products available to cover freckles?

You can conceal freckles with concealer and with makeup. However unless you do a particularly skillful job it will be relatively easy for the observant to notice this and the effect may be less appealing than having freckles. Freckles are cute afterall.

What does having a lot of freckles mean?

It usually means that you should put more sunscreen on. But if you were born with freckles, don't worry about them. They're probably genetic :).

Does the goddess Athena have freckles?

In ancient Greek mythology, there is no specific mention of the goddess Athena having freckles. Artists and authors have depicted her in various ways, so you may find interpretations where she has freckles, but it is not a universal characteristic associated with her.

Are Freckles are a physical trait that is transmitted by a recessive gene?

Yes, freckles are a physical trait that can be determined by genetic factors. The development of freckles is influenced by a combination of genetic predisposition and exposure to sunlight, rather than being solely determined by a single recessive gene.

What does having freckles in the shape of a square on your face mean?

It's a strong indication ... and when somebody looks at you carefully he can probably figure this out just by looking ... that you have freckles on your face in the shape of a square.

Is it a sign if you have three freckles in a row?

Having three freckles in a row is not necessarily a sign of anything specific. Freckles are typically harmless and can appear in various patterns on the skin due to genetics and sun exposure. If you notice any changes in the size, shape, or color of your freckles, it's always best to consult a dermatologist for further evaluation.