no it is great for your health and makes your body loverly and brown (:
suntan lotion is bad because it does bad things for your skin.
The good thing about health is having it. And so, the bad thing is not having it. SOme people say that you don't miss something until it's gone, and that can be said about health.
no its a sign that the skin is damaged and it could cause skin cancer
Morena (a woman having black hair and white or suntan skin)
No it is your pet like a dog!
Suntan is 'le bronzage' in French. To get a suntan is 'bronzer'
Alcohol is bad for our health, especially for heart and lung.
george o.goreII is indeed having threatning health issues as bad as brain cancer
Suntan lotion is to prevent the tanning from sun. Suntan lotion are used for preventing skin darkening or tanning. You should apply suntan lotion half an hour before going out .
Mitosis causes a suntan on your skin to fade. Mitosis is the division of cells to create new daughter cells. After you have/get a suntan. Your cells continue to divide and your old cells die off while your new cells grow over causing your suntan to fade away. I hope this helped.
In general having too much of any one thing isn't generally a good idea; however, there aren't many vegetables (i'm not aware of any, except maybe large amounts of raw spinach) that will affect your health in a bad way just because you're eating them every day. Now, having corn syrup everyday might have a bad affect on your health.
After too much time in the sun, a suntan can become a sunburn. Use sun block if you want to avoid a suntan.