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My husband asked me this not long ago and my answer to him was, look at what hard water does to your sinks, toilet, pipes, etc. Do you really want it working it's magic inside your body? We bought a filter

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Q: Is hard water harmful to health?
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Why is stagnant water harmful?

Stagnat water is not running water. Due to this it may be home for mosquitoes. so the stagnant water is harmful to our health

Can hard water be used for farming?

Yes, hard water can be used for farming, but it may lead to problems such as soil compaction, reduced nutrient uptake by plants, and decreased crop yield over time. It is recommended to test the water quality and consider treatment options to minimize these potential negative effects.

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No. ABS is safe for potable water.

Why is bacteria in storm water harmful?

Bacteria in storm water can definitely be considered harmful. This is because this bacteria is hard to kill and foreign to your body.

Is mixing hot water and milk harmful to health?

Unless the milk was bad to begin with - no.

Why does water need to be boiled when bacteria are found in the water system?

Because the bacteria can be harmful to health and boiling will kill them.

How can hard water be harmful?

Go freeze a basin of water, bash your head into it and see which breaks first.

What are the health effects of hard water?

The health effects of hard water are cancer risks (high calcium), Cerebrovascular mortality (high magnesium), and malformations of central nervous system.

Is drinking of distill water harmful for health?

distilled water, reverse osmosis water are the best kind of waters to drink compared to tap water

Is microwaves are harmful for your health?

Your grammar is horrible, but yes microwaves are harmful to your health.

My phosphate levels in drinking water is 2500parts per billion is that harmful to my health?

I am thinking so.

Why is ultra clean water harmful to your health?

Ultra clean water can be harmful to health because it may lack essential minerals and nutrients that our body needs for proper function. Consuming water that is too pure can also disrupt the electrolyte balance in the body, leading to potential health issues such as mineral deficiencies and imbalances. Additionally, ultra clean water may not have the natural protective properties that regular drinking water has, making it more susceptible to contaminants once it is exposed to the environment.