Her proneness to getting motion sickness made long car rides a challenge for her.
dont flirt, just talk casually. if you think its wrong then ask a reverend, he'll give you good advice. if he says flirting is wrong then say 'we are at the age where both sexes can talk, even if it's wrong'
Yes, because if you do, it might give him the wrong idea.
First ask yourself, If he was flirting with someone else would I like it? Most guys that have feelings for you will not like you flirting with someone else.
were you into flirting to hurt another person...female logic at work here
Yes, it is wrong because then if the person you are flirting with likes you then you are just leading them on. This only makes the person like you more, and it's going to hurt them when they find out you don't really like them. So it's best not to flirt unless you know what your getting yourself into.
nothing wrong with it
It depends if he's flirting back or not. If he is then go ahead! If he feels there is nothing wrong with it then niether should you. Just don't go too far!
There is NOT a right or wrong way to flirt. It is based on your personality and experience. Flirting comes naturally for most people. Just talk to the boy or girl and if there is an attraction flirting happens.
Flirting is something that you like. You flirt to get people to notice you as a prospect. Harassing is something you do when you feel like you haven't a chance with that person, or you feel like they have done something wrong to you.
Getting it Wrong from the Beginning was created in 2002.
If your colleague's girlfriend is winking at you, it could jut be his way of being nice to you. It is also a good possibility that he is flirting with you.