not to much. It would be kinda weird to fart really loud thou. ( Don't hold in your fart, you'll just fart louder!)
You would get a farting horse. Weird right?
It is not necessarily that it is "weird", it is a slang term for a natural bodily function. However, it is generally considered socially inappropriate to "fart" in public or other people without excusing yourself.
Eric Stewart is 66 years old (birthdate: January 20, 1945).
in 2010 they wil be ina movie called Walter the Farting dog....... yeah i know its weird
Its definitely not something that is common. If you are having feelings towards your friends mom it may be best if you keep your distance from there.
by farting on it! by farting on it!
a farting rise
a farting rise
because after an operation they don't want any bubbles/gases inside you that might interfere after. so by farting (which sounds totally weird) can help prevent that
Well evry body farts and burps soo!!!! just any ordinary girl. Bout i dont thinkn girls wud put videos of demselve farting n da nternet! Its kinda embarassing, not mannerly and weird!!!
Farting is biffy, but it is also fun.
Farting is not bad because that means you have to get gas out of your system it has to be out. Farting is really good and farting is even better because that means you can stink the people up.