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Snot has been the number one gourmet choice since the beginning of man. It is considered to be a comfort food and a tastey salty treat. Snot has also been considered a survival food. After the collapse of the world trade center seven people were rescued 8 days later. Trapped deep beneath Tower one in the subway system they survived on Daily meals of Snot and Urine. Doctors were amazed to how healthy they were after being trapped so long that to this day they are known as the Secret Snot Eating Seven. They also claimed that the taste of someone elses snot mixed with there own had a unique nutty taste. It won't kill you, but think about it. Your nasal mucus is what catches bacteria, dirt, dust, pollen, etc. from the air, and prevents it from going into your lungs, at least as much as it can. Do you want to eat all of those things? And if you are old enough to be interested in sex, do you think a person will want to touch your hands after they have been picking your nose and will they want to kiss you after you EAT what came out of your nose? NO WAY!

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

No it is not healthy. Mucous from the nose, other wise known as snot, contains large amounts of bacteria. It is the bodies way of filtering dirt and bad junk from the air we breath in. So if the hairs in our nose and the mucous our body makes collects all this bad junk to try to get rid of it when you sneeze or blow your nose, you would want to defeat that purpose by eating it.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Well, It's full of bacteria so I don't think so.

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