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YES !For example if you EAT OR EVEN LICK OR SUCK ON eos,lip balm,blistex,nivea,baby lips,burt's bees chapstick you will get cancer or even die it has alot of cemicals ! Its toxic .You need go to the doctor or even the emergence room in less then a week!It is dangerous because it most likely contains nasty ingredients like petrolatum or Aspartame or numerous other petrochemicals. Why dont u Google each item on the ingredient list and see for urself.Your going to die !

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

If it is on you lips while you're eating it is totally safe. However, eating a bar of chap stick is very danegerous and if you eat it by mistake you must call a Poison Control Center right away

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Chapstick is typically a petroleum-based product, e.g. similar to Vasoline (TM). You could get an upset stomach, lose your appetite, etc. Probably the biggest thing it could cause is a bout of diarrhea because you "lubricated" your intestines.

The general rule is: If a product is sold for external use (on your skin, hair, lips, nails), it isn't meant to be eaten.

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Is eating chapstick a sign of anorexia?

Unless that is the only thing you're eating, consuming chapstick isn't one of the commonly seen signs of anorexia, although it is very bad for you and can even cause poisoning. However, everyone is different, and the signs of eating disorders are different with every case. If you're concerned that you or someone close to you may have an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulmilia, you should confide in a trusted adult and get help for yourself or the individual you suspect has this disorder.

Does chapstick ever go bad?

Kenny this website hates u

Is it bad to put chapstick on dogs lips?

My dog loves chapstick, so I put it on his lips. He just licks like crazy. It doesn't seem to hurt him.

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The ChapStick is up your butt.

How many people use ChapStick?

Exactly 12 billion and nine.

What year was chapstick invented?

chapstick was invented in the early 1800s

Where do people buy chapstick?

i go to HEB or wal- mart and buy my favorite chapstick called burts bees! like, i cried when i lost it one time, it works so good

Does chapstick contain glass?

Chapstick does not contain glass as an ingredient. The main ingredients in chapstick are typically wax, oils, and sometimes other ingredients like flavoring or sunscreen. Glass would not be a safe or common ingredient in chapstick.

Will eating chap stick make it hard to breath?

No, but you can get extremely high off ingesting a minimum of three sticks of Carmex brand Chapstick. Use with caution

How do you get chapstick out?

You just take the top off and turn the thing at the end a WALA!!!! That how you get chapstick out.

What rhymes with chapstick?

Some words that rhyme with chapstick are lipstick, brisket, and mystic.