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Q: Is dirty water bad for heath?
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What are some of the harmful effects that dirty water can have on people?

There are a lot of secondary effects that bad water can have on a community, but the primary harm in dirty water is the threat of disease causing pathogens or parasites.

Is water a good a conductor?

Distilled water is a bad conductor. Dirty water, or water with impurities added, is a good conductor. It is not the water that matters, but the impurities.


Distilled water is a bad conductor. Dirty water, or water with impurities added, is a good conductor. It is not the water that matters, but the impurities.

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Low coolant? Radiator dirty or plugged? Bad thermostat? Bad water pump? Cooling fans not working? Bad radiator cap?

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of course it is scooter

Clean water is added to a tank full of dirty water. After some time the tank is full of clean water. Dirty water disappears. What is the principle and how does it work?

The principle is 'dilution': with the first addition of clean water to dirty water, the dirty water becomes less dirty because it is diluted by the clean water. With the continued addition of clean water to dirty water, eventually the dirty water will be completely diluted and there will be no dirty water left; it will all be replaced by clean water.

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When was Dirty Water created?

Dirty Water was created in 1966.

Why do parrots dirty their water?

because they want dirty water

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dirty water