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Q: Is dawn dish soap safe to shower with?
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Related questions

Is Dawn dish soap mild for sensitive skin?

Yes, Dawn dish soap is generally mild and safe for sensitive skin.

Is dawn dish soap safe to use in food processing plants?

Dawn dish soap contains toxic chemicals such as Trisoclan, sodium bisulfate and Quaternium 15. Therefore, it is no safe to use in food processing plants for fear of contamination.

Is it safe for dogs if Dawn dish soap is swallowed?

Swallowing a small amount of Dawn dish soap is generally safe for dogs, but it may cause stomach upset or irritation. It is important to monitor your dog for any signs of distress and contact a veterinarian if you have concerns.

What is the density of dawn dish soap?

The density of Dawn dish soap is approximately 0.92 grams per milliliter.

Who made dawn the dish soap?

Dawn dish soap was created by the Procter & Gamble Company in 1972. It was developed by researchers specifically to tackle tough grease and cleaning tasks effectively.

How dense is dawn dish soap?

Dawn dish soap has a density of approximately 0.92 grams per milliliter.

What is the company name for dawn dish soap?


Will Dawn dish soap effectively kill ticks?

Yes, Dawn dish soap can effectively kill ticks by suffocating them.

Are Dawn dish soap and Palmolive dish soap the same?

As in dish-washing liquid, Yes. brands, No.

What is the absolute viscosity of dawn dish soap?

The absolute viscosity of Dawn dish soap varies depending on the specific formulation. However, common viscosity values for Dawn dish soap are in the range of 500-1500 centipoise at room temperature.

Can you use regular dish soap dawn in a dish washer?

Nope - you have to use special dish washing soap

Which soap cleans a dish better dawn or palmolive?

I think Dawn soap cleans better than Palmolive soap.