The fever itself is not contagious -- the virus causing a fever is, though, and when you have a fever from a virus, you are contagious with that virus and should stay away from people if you can.
Typhoid fever transfer from one person to other by fecal/oral route.
That you shiver when you have fever.
Typhoid is the common name. I have never heard of it called anything else.
If you have a fever you need a medicine with a fever reducer. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the common fever reducers.
Yes, "transferable" is the correct spelling.
Yes. Typhoid fever is common there.
There is no cure for a common fever, or a common cold. Treatments like aspirin can reduce a fever, and following guidance like drinking lots of fluids can help you feel better, but the only cure is to let it take its course. Eventually, if it is the common cold (or fever) your body will deal with it and you will get better.
Coquillettidia fuscopennata and it's common name is as implied, The Yellow Fever.
as many as 1 every 3 people get typhoid fever
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No they are not transferable.
A common mouse, Mastomys natalensis, is the reservoir for Lassa fever.