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Surprising enough, it is not classified as any of these. Cocaine is actually a local anesthetic. In other words when it is injected into the skin, it numbs the area it touches. It also can be used as a nerve block. NOW HAVING SAID THAT. . .Cocaine when taken into the bloodstream by sniffing, smoking, or injecting IV has an extremely euphoric effect that is very much a stimulant, and at higher doses can cause both hallucinations and delusions. In the case of extreme long-term use of large amounts it can cause heart arythmia (abnormal heart rythms), cardiac arrest, and also cocaine psychosis.

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Blaze Welch

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Surprising enough, it is not classified as any of these. Cocaine is actually a local anesthetic. In other words when it is injected into the skin, it numbs the area it touches. It also can be used as a nerve block. NOW HAVING SAID THAT. . .Cocaine when taken into the bloodstream by sniffing, smoking, or injecting IV has an extremely euphoric effect that is very much a stimulant, and at higher doses can cause both hallucinations and delusions. In the case of extreme long-term use of large amounts it can cause heart arythmia (abnormal heart rythms), cardiac arrest, and also cocaine psychosis.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulantthat can, under some conditions, be a halucinogen. It can also cause profound depression after the effects wear off or, after a person has been taking it for a while and they can't get "high" any more.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Cocaine is a stimulant.

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