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Coal tar has been shown to cause cancer in humans when it is in the form of a sealant used to coat parking lots. Coal tar topicals are safe for treating skin disorders because they contain less than 5 percent of the carcinogenic ingredients.

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Q: Is coal tar harmful to humans and in which way?
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Is the pine oil in pine tar soap harmful for someone with prosthesis?

Yes it is very harmful. My brother has a degree in biology and is very familiar on this subject.This is added later from another user. To better answer your question:Pine tar it self is not harmfull in any way to your skin, and the pine tar it self is one of the most effective ways to treat prosthesis. However as you said, pine tar is Harmful. Well Yes and No. The pine tar is self is not harmful, but it is the Creosote that is harmfull not the pine tar it self. Creosote is a know skin irritant / carcinogen.It depends on how the pine tar is made. if the pine tar is made and the smoke from the fire in the kiln can not mix with the pine tar, then the pine tar has no know skin irritation documented anywere. seeing as 95% of all soap companies use PINE TAR OIL FILLD WITH CREOSOTE, it is hard to get away from this fact. but there are some companies that use Creosote Free pine tar in their soaps and other products, unfortunalty the most popular brand of pine tar soap is grandpa's brand, which uses this pine tar OIL with Creosote in it. My sister tried their pine tar soap and she broke out with a rash that she had to go to the doctor for.Now here is a company that makes a Creosote free Pine tar soap. we have tried it and it is wonderful. their web-site is .thanks hope this helpsTo Clarify: Are we talking about psoriasis the skin condition or someone with a prosthesis (artificial limb) who has skin tenderness issuesUM, sorry but your both wrong. Unless the U.S makes soaps different from the UK.Creosote soap was A.K.A Coal Tar soap, not Pine tar.Most pine tar soaps are now 100% natural vegetable oils and perfectly safe for use, infact reccommended for people with skin problems.You can find examples on eBay. Christina may I believe.Companies no longer mix wood preservatives and oils together in the making of soap, times have changed people.Unless the U.S. still do, but in Europe Coal Tar soap and the derivatives are banned. Pine tar soap 100% natural vegetable oil .. fine for use.Thank you and goodnight.p.s. I have an honours and masters degree in Biology. JFYI

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