No, chicken is not an unhealthy food is prepared correctly. Fried chicken is not a healthy choice to eat all the time.
it is not real food and some of the chicken is chicken fat
There are many types of food that are unhealthy, but there really isn't a "most unhealthy" food.
Chicken itself is not unhealthy. Fried foods in general are considered unhealthy due to the high fat in the oil it is cooked in.
One of the most unhealthy of the food myths is, 'more is better'.
Most people have no chicken in their back pocket. Storing chicken in your back pocket is very unhealthy and could make you sick.
unhealthy food means food that is not good for you and have too much fat
Not sure what you mean. NO food is unhealthy. What is unhealthy is over indulgence in any particular type of food. Over eat and you gain weight with any resultant health problems.
Unhealthy food have more sugar and its good, but healthy food dont have as much sugar and it tastes plain without sugar.
china consumes the most food, they even bring it to America (Chinese) food, they are unhealthy but i think china consumes the most