Um, yeah. why would you eat it in the first place?
Actually... chalk is not poisonous but it is NOT healthy to eat it either because it is not meant to be eaten.
So my answer is still technically right, it is unhealthy, but thanks for the foot note :-)
Its not unhealthy, but i don't recommend
why the heck would you wat to eat chalk.
No, its not unhealthy.
If you eat unhealthily then you will become unhealthy. Many people use the expression "You are what you eat."
1.3 billon are unhealthy
Some people like to eat chalk because they think it taste good.
I have never heard of water snails eating chalk, i just go to the pet store and get some algae wafers
* * * *
to eat it
if its in your genes or if you eat unhealthy
Rennie tablets
IF we did not eat in time, an did not sleep in time, an if we did not get plenty of rest that's the cause of unhealthy.