It consists of a maximum of 2 nuclei per fiber so no it can't be considered multinucleated. Only skeletal is multinuke.
Smooth cardiac muscle.
cardiac muscle cells are joined by intercalated disks.
Cardiac muscle is involuntary striated muscle. The cells of cardiac muscle have only one nucleus. The layer of the heart that contains cardiac muscle is called the myocardium.
cardiac muscle is striated cardiac muscle is not voluntary
Cardiac muscle forms the muscular wall of the heart. Cardiac muscle is involuntary muscle.
cardiac is cardiac and skeletal is skeletal.
cardiac muscle
all your muscles from your heartORCardiac muscle
Cardiac muscle is made of cardiac muscle cells. Cardiac muscle is under the control of the autonomous nervous system and is not susceptible to fatigue
Cardiac muscle tissue has intercalated discs, which are specialized structures that help with communication and coordination of muscle contractions in the heart.
Cardiac Muscle tissue =)