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No. Most of your body is composed of proteins and carbohydrates that contain carbon. Organic matter is so named. Perhaps you mean is it poisonous? The answer is no. Charcoal (= carbon) is often given in cases of poisoning.

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10y ago

Carbonated Beverages, including carbonated water are not that great for you. These beverages seem to quench thirst, but actually lead to dehydration.

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Q: Is carbonation bad for you
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Is soda bad for your teeth?

Yes. The carbonation is abrasive to the enamel in excess over time. Think about it.

Why does soda go bad?

Soda is a mixture of special syrups and carbonated water. Soda "goes bad" when, in a nutshell, there is little to no carbonation left.

What is a sentence with carbonation?

I'm looking for a beverage without carbonation.

Is carbonation mechanical or chemical?

Carbonation is Chemical Weathering :)

Does spring water have carbonation?

No, spring water does not have carbonation. Carbonation is typically added to water artificially to create sparkling water or soda.

Who has more carbonation Pepsi or Coca Cola?

They both have the same amount of carbonation and it doesn't matter what type it is.

Does a root beer float have carbonation?

yes. every soda has carbonation.

What is a burp?

A burp is when you have an ''air bubble'' in your stomach cause from eating fastly or drinking carbonation. It is nothing bad just air coming from your stomach to your mouth. :-)

What effect does carbonation have on muscles?

Carbonation is not known to have any effect on muscles. However, there is some research that indicates that carbonation, over time, may weaken bone structure.

Will carbonation kill you?


Can you give me an example of carbonation?

Sodar water is an example of carbonation, when water is saturation with carbon dioxide.

Is carbonation healthy?

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