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It is not any healthier than table water.

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Q: Is carbonated water good for your body?
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Is carbonated water dehydrating or is it as hydrating as non-carbonated water?

Generally speaking, carbonated water is just as hydrating as non-carbonated water. Most carbonated water contains no additives (other than the carbon dioxide). However, some carbonated water contains additives. One of the more common additives to carbonated water is sodium chloride (table salt). Depending upon the amount of sodium in the carbonated water, and your body's sodium levels, the carbonated water could be more or less hydrating than the non-carbonated variety. The addition of the carbon dioxide has no effect on the hydrating power of the water.

What does carbonated water do for the human body?

Causes burping!

How much carbonated water does coke have?

92.31% carbonated water

Do people get nose bleeds from too much carbonated water?

No. Carbonation in water has little to no effect on the body.

Does carbonated water taste good?

Carbonated water does not taste good. Have you ever gone to refill your soda and the syrup is out? All you will taste is the carbonated water, gross. Similarly if you put dry ice in a water cooler filled with regular water, the CO2 given off by the dry ice 'vaporizing' can mix with the water and cause it to taste like carbonated water if not allowed to vent. If the dry ice 'vaporization' is allowed to vent out then all you will taste is water, but it will be ice cold.

Is there any difference between carbonated water and sparkling water?

Carbonated water has carbon dioxide under pressure added to the water. Sparkling water may be naturally carbonated.

Is carbonated water a solution?

Yes, carbonated water is a solution of carbon dioxide.

What is the use of carbonated water?

Carbonated water is widely used is in soft drinks.

What is the function of carbonated water in can drinks?

Carbonated water is a more refreshing drink.

Is gas carbonated water?

The gas in carbonated water - is Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

How much calories in carbonated water?

Carbonated water has no glucose in it and therefore has no calories