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Decomposing animals can lead to diseases. This is why we have garbage pickup and sanitary landfills.

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Q: Is breathing in dead animal healthy?
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How does an animal obtain the energy needed for activities?

Through breathing and eating a healthy diet

Is Robert Enke dead?

I saw him down the chippy last week, he's breathing and looks healthy.

How can you tell if your dogs is dead?

well its not moving not breathing for some dogs their tounges stick out a littles and turn into a different colour like purple becuase no dog. their hearts not beating and its eyes can be closed or open when dead (if open they do not blink)

Is there any animal which can live without breathing?

No animal can live without breathing, without breathing means dead.

What is healthy child?

if its breathing, its healthy!

How would you know if an animal is dead or hibernating?

You can check for vital signs such as breathing, pulse, and response to stimuli to determine if an animal is dead. Hibernating animals will typically have slowed metabolic rates, decreased body temperature, and reduced responsiveness, but they are still alive. Look for subtle movements or signs of breathing to distinguish between hibernation and death.

How do you know a dog is dead from drowning?

See if he is still breathing. If he's still breathing, he's not dead.

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How many pages does The Healthy Dead have?

The Healthy Dead has 150 pages.

How do you know if scardox alien is dead?

If it isn't breathingHow to tell if its breathing: if the egg steams up then its breathing if not the alien is dead.

Which animal not using lung for breathing?

fishes do not use their lungs for breathing

When was The Healthy Dead created?

The Healthy Dead was created on 2004-04-01.