Boofing, also known as shafting or plugging is administering pills rectally.
Boofing is the art of anal insertion. A legitimate boof is one that many Boofers would refer to as "knuckle deep". not going knuke deep would result in an incorrect boof. Boofing is known to get you as high as you possibly can.
its unhealthy gets to your heart disease fatel pills can cause fatal risks
depends what you mean. do you mean an unhealthy PERSON, unhealthy CONDITIONS or an unhealthy DIET. Person- maladif/maladive Diet- malsain(e) Conditions- insalubre
No and it is very unhealthy to do so with pill.
what are e 712 pills
vitamin E
E Investigates Addicted to Pills - 2010 TV was released on: USA: 14 January 2010
hell no that stuff doesnt work. its really unhealthy actually.
In my town it's about 2 pills of Mali (pure extacy) for $7-10 depending on the dealer
The most unhealthy way to maintain weight loss is starvation. Another way is taking weight loss pills which can cause many health problems. Also some people take laxatives and purge.