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Brown is dominant, over half the world has brown eyes.

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Q: Is blue or brown the dominant eye color?
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Is brown the dominant eye color?

No, brown is not the dominant eye color. The dominant eye color is actually brown, as it is the most common eye color worldwide.

Which is dominant blue or green eye color?

Blue eye color is typically more rare and considered a recessive trait compared to green eye color. The dominant eye color is usually brown.

Are blue eyes more dominant than brown eyes?

No, brown eyes are more dominant than blue eyes genetically. Brown eye color is a dominant trait, while blue eye color is a recessive trait. This means that if a person has one gene for blue eyes and one gene for brown eyes, the brown eye gene will be expressed.

What eye colors are dominant and which are recessive?

Brown eye color is dominant, while blue, green, and hazel eye colors are recessive. This means that brown eyes are more likely to be expressed if an individual inherits one brown-eyed allele and one allele for a different eye color.

Are blue or brown eyes dominent?

Brown eyes are considered dominant over blue eyes. This means that if a person has one parent with brown eyes and one parent with blue eyes, they are more likely to have brown eyes. However, eye color inheritance can be complex and is controlled by multiple genes.

If your mother had brown eyes and her father had blue eyes what would the baby have?

Brown color of eye is dominant over blue color. If the mother is homozygous for brown color of eye, than the all the children will have brown color eyes. If mother is heterozygous for brown eyes, than 50% of children will have brown eyes and 50% will have blue eyes.

If you crossed a homozygous dominant man with brown eyes with a homozygous recessive woman with blue eyes what color or colors would their children have?

The children would all have brown eyes because the dominant brown eye color gene would mask the recessive blue eye color gene. The children would all inherit one dominant brown eye color gene from the father and one recessive blue eye color gene from the mother, resulting in a heterozygous genotype for brown eyes.

What eye color do most people in the world have?

Brown is the most popular eye color in the world. Brown eyes are a dominant trait.

Are green eyes dominant over brown eyes?

No, brown eyes are dominant over green eyes. This means that if a person inherits one gene for brown eyes (B) and one for green eyes (G), they will typically have brown eyes due to the dominant nature of the brown eye gene.

What color are Russians hair and eyes?

Russians can have a variety of hair and eye colors. Hair colors can range from black to brown to blond, while eye colors can be blue, green, brown, or gray. There is no specific dominant hair or eye color among Russians.

An organism that has an allele for brown eyes and an allele for blue eyes you?

are likely heterozygous for eye color. This means you have two different alleles for eye color - one for brown eyes and one for blue eyes. The dominant allele for brown eyes may result in you having brown eyes, but you still carry the blue eye allele.

How many genes do females have for color blindness?

15 Genes control eye color. Its not the simple 2 genes (Dominant and Recessive) that most people learn in high school biology. These 15 genes play different roles and have varying levels of influence on eye color. Eye color is almost impossible to predict and it doesn't entirely matter what color the parents' eyes are. Parents that have brown eyes could easily have a child with blue. and vice versa. The level of pigmentation (called melanin) is what determines the color. The less melanin, the lighter the color. Blue eyes have the least melanin in them, brown has the most. every other color is in-between.