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Black mold can be very dangerous. If you inhale the spores damage can be done to your respiritory system. The best way to get rid of it is to tear down any walls with black mold and clean up any water leakage. Have an EPA inspector check to make sure it's all out of your house before you rebuilt.

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Q: Is black mold dangerous, and how can I get rid of it?
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How can i get rid of black mold?

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black mold removal ?

The best way to get rid of black mold is to use bleach containing products. The mold causes severe allergic reactions in people who have breathing problems.

Are moldy books dangerous to read?

Yes. Mold spores are dangerous to breath in and may cause an allergy attack or some other problem. Black mold is particularly dangerous.

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The mold on your shoes is likely caused by moisture. Try to dry your shoes thoroughly and use a disinfectant spray to kill and prevent further growth. The black mold on your clothes and closet walls can be toxic and may cause health issues. It's best to call a professional mold removal service to safely clean and remove the mold.

What do mold do?

Black molds are more dangerous. They can cause serious health problems for you. Skin is the primary concern after mold attack.

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it might be dangerous if it is a black widow, but it might not be. just squish it to get rid of it.

How can I effectively get rid of black mold in my fish tank?

To effectively get rid of black mold in your fish tank, you can remove the affected items, such as decorations or plants, and clean them thoroughly with a mixture of water and white vinegar. Scrub the affected areas with a brush to remove the mold, and consider using a commercial mold remover if necessary. Ensure proper ventilation and maintenance to prevent mold growth in the future.

How do you rid a hot tub of black mold?

The easiest way to clean a nonporous surface of black mold is to scrub it off with a solution of 1 cup of borax to 1 gallon of water.

How can one remove black mold in the bathroom?

Black mold is the most common form of bathroom mold. Black mold grows on porous surfaces that stay damp or get wet several times a day. The most effective way of getting rid of black mold is: - ventilate the room so the porous surfaces become dry - Remove the mold and remove its black color by using a chlorine solution (watch out for your clothes, it bleaches)

Black mold under old carpet what to clean floor with?

Bleach and water. Make sure though the black mold hasn't moved to other areas around it like behind walls. Mold is very dangerous.

What is the safest method of black mold removal?

There is black mold growing in my house. I need to get rid of it, but I do not know what to do. I want to be safe, careful and thorough in removing it. What should I do about black mold removal?

How do you go about a renter that found black mold legal advice?

Your currently in the category of Health, not Legal advice. Black mold spores are extremely dangerous and can cause many different disorders and have proved to be fatal.