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Q: Is biting your fingernails a symptom of something else?
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Related questions

What does the idiom biting your nails mean?

A person says "bite your tongue" to someone else when they feel the person has something they shouldn't. Bite your tongue means to quit talking -- You've said something you shouldn't have said.

What is the meaning of symptomatic?

Of or pertaining to symptoms; happening in concurrence with something; being a symptom; indicating the existence of something else., According to symptoms; as, a symptomatical classification of diseases.

Is having diarrhoea a symptom for pregnancy?

Not a typical one. More likely is it something else than pregnancy. If you are unsure take a test.

Is symptoms and virus the same?

No. A symptom is something that is caused by infection/exposure to something else. For example, a symptom of viral meningitis is a severe headache, due to increased intra-cranial pressure. The virus on the otherhand, is the pathogen (such as a bug) that causes you to become ill and have symptoms.

Is blindness contagious to hamsters?

'Blindness' is a symptom of something else, and that something else may be contagious, but without specifying what caused the blindness, you can't say for sure. If a hamster had an accident and damaged its eyes, then that absolutely cannot be passed on to another hamster.

Has anyone ever died of diarrhea?

Diarrhea is not a disease but a symptom of something else. Untreated it can cause death, especially in small children, due to dehydration.

Does anyone else leave their nail on after biting then to play with them?

yes ,why?

Do 2 year old heifers drool when losing teeth?

They may. Excessive saliva production could be a symptom of something else though, something that is a bit more serious than a heifer loosing baby teeth.

Do men have a cell wall?

Animal cells do not have cell walls, so no, men do not have a cell wall. Being stubborn or thick is generally a symptom of something else, not a cell wall.

What does it mean when the cow is getting ready to have birth biting at her rear?

This question does not make any sense. Are you asking what's the meaning of a cow "biting at her rear" or that she's getting ready to give birth and biting at her rear or something else entirely? It almost sounds like a rhetorical question, or a question that answers itself, with you asking what the meaning of a biting her rear is and pretty much answering it by also mentioning that she is getting ready to give birth.

How do you stop biting your nails without using that bad tasting nail stuff?

About 30 years ago I decided I had to quit biting my nails and what I did was replace the urge with biting with something else. I realized that one reason I bit my nails was when I felt a uneven edge or a break so instead of biting them I got a file and started grooming them. It did the trick. Now I carry a file in my handbag, have them all over the house and I don't bite my nails. Maybe this will work for you too.

How can I prevent my 5-month-old baby from biting their lower lip?

To prevent your 5-month-old baby from biting their lower lip, you can try giving them a teething toy or a cold washcloth to chew on. You can also gently redirect their attention to something else when you notice them biting their lip. Additionally, keeping their lips moisturized with a baby-safe lip balm may help reduce the urge to bite.