If you normally aren't fair skinned, I would suggest that you go to your doctor and have some blood work drawn to make sure that you aren't anemic. Also if you are fair skinned it is important to use sunscreen, to prevent sunburns which can cause some skin cancers.
Get a tan!
I don't like really pale girls because it kinda creeps me out for some reason.
It's fine if your kind of pale, but if you feel self-conscious just put on a little blush.
being pale is not bad at all. I'm pale and I'm done stressing over it. it's not something you can just change. tanning is an option but it will only make your skin wrinkle and rot faster,
yes very unattractive
Everyone decides for themselves what is attractive. No one but you can answer this.
Pale is only considered unattractive by some. The attitude is encouraged and perpetuated by marketers of commercial products. Those of us who are not as easily influenced by commercial messages see beauty in a variety of 'looks' and demographics.
It means she really doesn't like you or your very unattractive appearance
They are very attractive
the girl was very unattractive, because her hair was messy and her clothes were dull and her appearence wasnt good
No, she is very unattractive and gives me nausea.
It is actually very unattractive. When a girls smokes pot too often it makes her a very big pothead even if she thinks she's not.
She looked very unattractive.
Personally I suffered from acne and became very self conscious. I found it very unattractive, and it made me feel very low. I'm not sure how others perceived it, but I felt very low, unattractive and definitely not pretty. I did try loads of things to get rid of my acne, and only Top Shirley Medicated Cream worked for me. shirleycream.co.UK
Very Very Special Old Pale