If it were a large enough shock, like, say, being struck by lighting, you could be seriously injured. However, ordinary static shocks, like from rubbing your feet on the carpet or pulling a sweater out of the dryer, are harmless.
When you get shocked from a metal doorknob, you are experiencing static electricity. This occurs when an imbalance of electric charges builds up on the doorknob and your body, and discharges when you touch the doorknob.
Filters inside industrial cooling towers use static to ionise harmful particles in exhaust smoke and thus prevent them from being released into the environment.
If a coworker is being electrically shocked, do not touch them, and shut off the power.
The effects of being shocked by 13200 volts of electricity is probably death.
Smoking is known to be deleterious to your health.
Shih Tzus should not eat foods like chocolate, grapes, onions, garlic, and certain nuts as they can be harmful to their health and well-being.
Static electricity. As you slide off the car seat . You rub both fabrics, (the fabrics being the car seat and you clothes) against each other producing enough static electricity to give you a shock as your feet touch the ground.
To ensure the health and well-being of your fish, it is recommended to change the water in your fish bowl at least once a week. This helps maintain good water quality and prevents the buildup of harmful substances that can be harmful to your fish.
You don't. You show the characters being shocked. How do people act when they are shocked? Do they freeze? Run away? Throw up? Does their mouth fall open or do they clap a hand to it? If you show them shocked, whatever they say next will be "shocked voice."
shocked, numb
Whether paid work is harmful to you health depends entirely on what kind of work you are being paid to do, whether you are provided an appropriate work environment, proper work procedures and protective equipment, and whether you use your protective equipment properly.
Yes. Lightning is an eletrical discharge like being shocked by static. Lightning can be just about 40x hotter than the sun. it's when negative electrons and positive protons are charged and attract each other forming lightning.