Because we like fit or skinny girls
no, you only have to love what your doing. if someone wont accept you because of the way you look or your wieght its their loss. being skinny is not being talanted
No way! This is a 'normal' weight for your height. Not at all too skinny!
NO! Everyone is beautiful in their own way!
no but being ultra skinny is way worse
they dont care how a girl looks every girl is beautiful in their own way :)
yes. way too skinny. unhealthily skinny.
You don't need a how to on being beautiful. Everyone is beautiful in their own different way already :) You just have to find out yours in your own time.
no you dont , everybodys body is beautiful whatever way you have it && you may not like a few bulqes and bumps here && there but that can be resolved by dancinq in a late niqht club.
That is a way skinny. in my world you should way beyween 70-85
She is very beautiful and muscly she has brown hair, she is skinny and very flexible. The way she dances is amazing if you go on google images there are loads to look at.