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Q: Is being healthy an absolute state?
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Being healthy A is an absolute state B. means you will never be sick C. means you striving to be the best you can be at any given time D. is the same as being physically well?


What is well-being?

Being Well, or in the right state of mind.

What is the absolute Meaning of Infatuation?

The act of infatuating; the state of being infatuated; folly; that which infatuates.

Why do adults need exercise to stay healthy?

All of the above *apex*

What is an absolute state?

An absolute state is a grammatical term for when a noun is not linked to another noun.

The word eudaimonia most closely translates to what?

A contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.

What is the distinction between healthy and disease free?

healthy is a state of physical,social and mental well being while disease free is a state of absence of any body comfort. a healthy person can be disease free but a disease free person cannot be a healthy person

Is being healthy the same as being happy?

no not the same but being healthy is being happy

What did Thomas Hobbes believe about a ruler with absolute power in a state?

Thomas Hobbes believed that a ruler with absolute power was necessary to maintain peace and order in a state. He argued that without a strong central authority, society would be plagued by a "state of nature" where individuals were in constant conflict and chaos. Hobbes believed that a sovereign with absolute power was essential to prevent this condition and ensure the well-being of society.

What is the form of dictatorship in Bhutan?

Prior to 2008, Bhutan was an Absolute Monarchy (which is an absolute dictatorship). Currently, Bhutan is not a dictatorship, but a Constitutional Monarchy, with an elected Parliament and a Prime Minister and the King being an important Head of State.

What is the behavior of gases at absolute zero?

At absolute zero, gases have minimal thermal energy and thus minimal motion of gas particles. This results in gases being in a state of maximum order, with particles coming to a complete stop. The gas would essentially behave as if it were in a solid state.

How do you say I am thankful for being healthy?

You say, "I am thankful for being healthy"!