"Grossly unremarkable" on a CT ankle scan typically indicates that there are no significant abnormalities or findings of note in the ankle area being evaluated. It suggests that the structures and tissues appear normal and there are no issues that stand out to the radiologist reviewing the scan.
Yes, just like how you can get tattooed if you are overweight. It means nothing, you can get tattoed on any bone such as the ankle if you are at a normal weighht , so being underweight doesnt matter.
There is no certain way to prevent your Chrysler dashboard from cracking. The cracking is typically a result of a defective plastic being used to make the dashboard, a faulty manufacturing process, or an engineering flaw.
It is being damaged and cracking.
Three concentric and rotating shafts would be known as a contra-rotating device. Currently, several machines like these are being designed, according to the US Patent Office.
The cracking sound you hear when you bend your index finger is usually caused by gas bubbles being released from the fluid surrounding your joints. This is typically not harmful and is a normal occurrence. However, frequent cracking or pain in your finger may be a sign of joint issues that should be checked by a healthcare provider.
The sound of knuckles being cracked is unpleasant to some people (like the sound of a finger nail being scraped across a chalk board), thus in polite company one would normally refrain from cracking your knuckles.
Cracking safes is slang for breaking into them and stealing the money and valuables inside. Live straight means to live a life of honesty and stop being a thief.
no I've being doing that for years and noting happened to my fingers.
being not stressed all the time isn't normal.
Being nervous is normal, being terrified isn't.
For one, He wasn't "Dipped in immortal" he was dipped in the river called Styx. Also he was being held by his ankle, therefore his ankle wasn't dipped in the River.