It depends how bad the shock is !!
form_title= Shock Absorber form_header= Replace the shock absorber in your vehicle. When do you need the shock absorber?*= _ Will you install it yourself?*= () Yes () No Do you want to purchase after-market parts?*= () Yes () No
If it's a 98 or prior, It will have shock's all around which you can do yourself easily.
So the electric currents from the AED do not transfer from the victim to yourself, thus, you yourself becoming a victim of shock if exposed to the currents.
Drink Red Bull or shock yourself!
Static Shock - 2000 Bad Stretch 2-8 was released on: USA: 23 March 2002
No, but it really is not suggested.
because of static electricity!
Even rubber is bad conductor of electricity, our body will not resist the high voltage. rubber will minimise the shock but will not avoid the shock
Well, I've definitely never heard of that happening, and if the plastic insulation was not enough to prevent a shock I would say that is definitely bad.
Weirdness Really Bad Movie - 2010 Shock 2-3 was released on: USA: March 2011
Could be a bad shock absorber or shock absorber bushing. Could be bad bushings on the rear sway bar (if equipped).