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some anti-biotics can be quite harsh and so can knock out other 'good' bacteria causing such things as thrush for which you'd need additional meds...

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Q: Is any medication necessary after antibiotics?
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You will usually need antibiotics when fighting a staph infection. Whether you need pain medication or not depends on where the infection is located and the severity of the infection. Pain medication is not actually necessary to cure the infection but may make the patient more comfortable during healing.

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Automatic stop orders are carried out when the medication prescribed is not necessary, typically for antibiotics. If there is an error made as well there could be an ASO

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obtaining and receiving medication

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Are antimicrobials and antibiotics the same type of medication?

No, antimicrobials and antibiotics are not the same type of medication. Antibiotics specifically target bacteria, while antimicrobials can target a broader range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

What are problems with antibiotics?

antibiotics are really essential for treatment but some antibiotics cause side effects can be of any type it may be terotogenic which means you should not be given in pregnancy there are so many other type of allergic reactions are associated with antibiotics but it is necessary to give antibiotics

Can alcohol interfere with antibiotics and reduce their effectiveness?

Yes, alcohol can interfere with antibiotics and reduce their effectiveness by impacting how the body processes the medication. It is generally recommended to avoid alcohol while taking antibiotics to ensure the medication works properly.

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Do not give any kind of medication specially antibiotics like rocephin to your horse without prescription of its vet.

Should antibiotics full course taken?

Yes, it should. Always take any prescribed medication for however long you are instructed to.

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