

Is an atom a living thing?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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an atom is nonliving.

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Q: Is an atom a living thing?
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Is an atom the smallest living thing?

No, the atom is not because its not even living

Is atoms a living thing?

an atom is nonliving.

What is the smallest unit of a living organism or nonliving thing?

The cell is the smallest living thing and an atom is the smallest non-living thing.

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The atom is the smallest unit containing a nucleus. However, this is not considered living. The smallest living thing in the world (besides viruses) are a parasitic Bacterium called Mycoplasma Gallicepticum.

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the basic structural unit of living matter is THE ATOM

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The smallest living thing in the list is a bacteria. Bacteria are single-celled organisms that are smaller than a frog embryo and mitochondria. Viruses are not considered living organisms because they cannot replicate on their own, and an atom is a non-living, indivisible unit of matter.

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A. Atom, molecule, compound, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism.

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It is a living thing.

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An animal is a living thing.

How is the nucleus of an atom the same as the nucleus of a living cell?

It is the control center of the atom as the same a the for the nucleus for the living cell.