Sure is! A great feeling which expresses ones feelings to another. =) for example: The boy who liked the girl expressed his feelings by showing the girl affection as he hugged her and rubbed her back =)
A fond or tender feeling.
affection. ur welcome
Warm fuzzies can be defined as a feeling of affection or happiness.
feeling of deep affection to someone or something. Example: he is deeply in love.
The body has a loneliness...a feeling of detachment and of feeling unwanted...unless it has the luxury of another's tender touch or a sweet kiss to give re-assurance. Affection, as we know it, is necessary to balance all the things in life that make us doubt ourselves. Having affection means someone wants us and everyone needs to be wanted. And affection lets us give to someone else...also a human need, to provide comfort and share a feeling of togetherness. Without affection, the body grows distant from all others and eventually, affection becomes so unfamiliar that it's never found again.
The meaning of love is defined as a very passionate and tender affection for another person. Love is a warm feeling of deep affection.
No, I wouldn't say so. Affection comes with or without bad circumstances, and sympathy comes with bad circumstances.
No, "fond" is not a preposition. It is an adjective that describes a feeling of affection or liking.
The answer is yes. Current evidence so far demonstrates that dogs are capable of feeling affection and love.
it can be because when your in love you might feel sorry for them so it does affect you, so my answer would have to be yes.
When he shows affection, smiling, looking and trys hard to talk to you. Best feeling when you catch a guy looking at you.
A technical definition of love is a feeling of deep affection. It also refers to a person or thing that one loves.