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Yes, it takes place in chromosome 4.

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Q: Is achondroplasia a chromosomal abnormality
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If the disease is a chromosomal abnormality describe the abnormality?

what is the answer to this question

What is a chromosomal defect?

A abnormality in the size, shape, or number of chromosomes.

What type of condition is trisomy?

Trisomy an abnormality in chromosomal development.

How can chromosomal abnormalities of an unborn baby be diagnosed during pregnancy?

By what is called as amniocentesis, you can diagnose the chromosomal abnormality of the unborn baby. You do this procedure under cover of ultrasonography. The fetal cells will give you complete picture of the chromosomal abnormality of the unborn child.

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What is the number one cause of miscarriage?

chromosomal abnormality of the developing fetus.

Is anyone susceptible to this Down syndrome?

no, it is a chromosomal abnormality, not a contagious disease.

How can you get Achondroplasia?

Achondroplasia, or Dwarfism, is a genetic disorder, both handed down and mutagenic. Quoted from Wikipedia: "Achondroplasia is a result of an autosomal dominant mutation in the fibroplast growth receptor gene 3 (FGFR3), which causes an abnormality of catilage formation."

Abnormality that may be detected by examination of amniotic fluid?

substances or chromosomal abnormalities

Is chromosomal abnormality in albinism?

yes it is. It affects chromosome 11.

What is the medical term of trisomy 16?

It is called Patau syndrome and is a chromosomal abnormality

What is the most common chromosomal abnormality in humans?

The most common chromosomal abnormality in humans is Down syndrome, which is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. It occurs in about 1 in 700 births.