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Interesting question. Usually a vaccination is not considered a medication because it is not treating a specific condition. Vaccinations are preventative and affect your immune system; you get a vaccine so that your immune system will recognize and fight a foreign invader should you come in contact with that "foreign virus, bacterium, etc)

Antibiotics are medications.

There are autogenous and autologous vaccines that contain fungi and bacteria that are used as medicines. Some formulations incubate an active infection in the patient's skin, nasal passages, throat, etc and then make a vaccine out of the patient's "bugs" and inject the patient using a specific dosing schedule. This has created active immunity. If you think about allergy vaccinations...these are "medicines" that are created specifically for whatever a patient is allergic to.

There are anti-infective ingredients used as preservatives in vaccines, but these are not used to treat the patient's disease, they are used to keep the vaccine pathogen free.

In a nutshell, a medication is a remedy that cures a patient. An antibiotic is a medication that cures specific infections. Vaccinations can be either medicinal or preventative.

What the world needs is a vaccine to prevent defensive medicine!!

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Q: Is a vaccination and an antibotic a medication?
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Yes. See a doctor.

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uuummmm.....B.S. He may have failed a "panel" of the drug test but that would be for barbituates most likely, NOT cocaine! Demand to see the stick and if a home test call the number on the back and find out which panel failed.

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Yes. Cheese will not hurt a dog.

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What antibotic is made from fungi?

There are several. Penicillin and cephalosporin are two examples.

Why can't doctors make one extra strong vaccination?

Some people would be allergic to the vaccination, considering that already some people can't get them because of allergies. and some you need to take over a period of time. There could be a possibility of death with that much medication just in one shot..

Can you smoke weed if you are taking antibotic for acne?

Marijuana does not affect use of antibiotics.