Not as body temperature, but as ambient temperature is may not be comfortable but it is OK.
389 miles
no. swimming at 40 c is not advisable because skin becomes dry, scaly and rough
389 years.
10 percent of 389 = 38.910% of 389= 10% *389= 10%/100% *389= 389/10 or 38.9
7 x 389 = 2723 389 + 389 + 389 + 389 + 389 + 389 + 389 = 2723
389 = 1 x 389 (389 is a prime number).
The boiling temperature of water in Fahrenheit is 212 degrees.
HSO3 is a gas at room temperature due to its low boiling point of around -26°C.
WEBSITE Address2302 U.S. Highway 60 EastMorganfield, KY 42437 Telephone270-389-2419 Fax270-389-1134
To convert from Kelvin to Celsius, subtract 273.15 from the Kelvin temperature. 389 K - 273.15 = 115.85 degrees Celsius. So, 389 Kelvin is equivalent to 115.85 degrees Celsius.
1 x 389, 389 x 1.