If you have a health problem that requires you to take vitamin B12 sublingually, it is unlikely that swallowing the same dose will be effective. Vitamin B12 requires the presence of intrinsic factor for proper digestion in the stomach. That's why it's given IM or SL instead in most cases of deficiency.
Yes, you can chew or dissolve the birth control pill as long as you are certain you swallowed all of the pieces.
considered as 500mg of vitamin.
vitamin b(folic acid)
Take Vitamin B more regularly or go to your doctors?
It still is effective.
still image is effective as it helps intensify thatparticular moment
I'm an adult and I still drink vitamin D milk.
Natural sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin d. The skin absorbs vitamin d from the sun's rays, but it is still essential to use sunblock to prevent skin damage.
Raw meat still contains vitamin C. Once cooked vitamin C breaks down. Raw Reindeer=No scurvy
Yes, actually you SHOULD take Vitamin D3. You have two choices of Vitamin D, Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. Vitamin D2 is not absorbed as well as Vitamin d3 and it has a shorter half life. Even though foods are still fortified with Vitamin D2, many researchers believe that Vitamin D2 is "no longer suitable for supplementation or fortification".
Still objects.
no, I have swallowed gum quite a few times, and well...I'm still here.