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"normal" is 72 beats per minute, but pulse rates in the 50s are not uncommon in aerobically fit men. Pulse rates in the 30s are unusual but can occur in very fit men.

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Q: Is a pulse rate between 34-56 normal in a male?
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Is 60 a healthy pulse for a 16 year old male?

Yes, the normal range is between 60 to 100.

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A normal, healthy adult male (or female) should have a pulse rate anywhere from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

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A normal, healthy adult male (or female) should have a pulse rate anywhere from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

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Normal heart rate should be between 60 and 100. The pulse should be regular and strong. If the person is athletic, the pulse may be lower, as low as in the 40's.

Is 66 BPM normal for 54 year old male?

In the field, we tend to avoid the word "normal," because what is normal for one person, may not be normal for another. If your pulse rate is normally around 66, then it's normal for you. It's a healthy pulse rate. It's a bit on the low side, but still healthy. If your BP is in the "normal" range (around 120/80), then the pulse rate is good. If the BP is higher than what is normal for you, it could be signs of something troubling. Usually, when the pulse rate drops and the BP goes up, it's a sign of compensating shock.

You are 60 yr old male your rest pulse rate is 80 to 82 was this normal?

The normal heart rate for adults is between 60-100 beats per minute. However, medications and certain conditions can raise and lower your normal pulse rate. Additionally, people who are very physically fit sometimes have a much lower resting heart rate. See your doctor to determine what a proper heart rate is for yourself personally.

Is 87 high pulse for a 20 year old male?

The normal heart rate for adults is between 60-100 beats per minute. However, medications and certain conditions can raise and lower your normal pulse rate. Additionally, people who are very physically fit sometimes have a much lower resting heart rate. See your doctor to determine what a proper heart rate is for yourself personally.

What is normal heart rate for 61 year old male?

For a healthy adult, the "normal" pulse rate is 80 - 100 beats per minute. Factors such as cardiovascular and overall fitness, height/weight ratio, and genetics may affect this number. For example, a distance runner may have a resting heart rate of 35 or 40, while an obese adult may have a resting heart rate of 85. The normal pulse rate for men and women falls between 60 and 100 beats per minute.