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Q: Is a lump a large quantity together?
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What is a Lump A Large Quantity Together?

To lump a large quantity together means to group or combine things into one single mass or pile without regard to individual distinctions or separate components. This can be done for various reasons such as simplifying analysis, transportation, or storage.

What it is a lump a large quantity together?

To lump something together means to combine or group a large quantity of items or things without much distinction or differentiation. It is often used when referring to categorizing things in a broad or general way, without focusing on specific details.

What is a large lump of rock orbiting around the earth called?

The large lump of rock orbiting around the earth is called the moon

When water vapour in the air together it forms a?

it forms fog but when a large quantity of vapor emerges they make a cloud.

What does clump mean?

Clump as a noun can be classified as just a lump, or a large piece of an item. Clump as a verb means to compile large pieces of different or like items together into a larger piece.

Should A large quantity of books have a plural predicate?

No. The subject a large quantity of books is used in the singular and all verbs should be conjugated accordingly, e.g. A large quantity of books was destroyed in the fire; A large quantity of books was donated to the orphange.

Which country produce large quantity of Sternum?

The Western countries produce the large quantity of Sternum.

What does wodge mean?

A large lump or chunk of something.

What is quantity cookery?

Quantity cookery, or cooking for large groups of people.

What do you do about a large lump on shoulder blade?

Go see the man.

Description of a comet?

a large lump of rock that is heading for a planet

What does passel mean?

"Passel" is an informal term that means a large group or quantity of something.