

Is a liver count of 1400 very high?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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It can be at some times. At least I think so

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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Q: Is a liver count of 1400 very high?
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Probably not, unless the count is maintained at very high levels for a long time, or it's a result of a liver problem.

Is chicken liver good for high blood pressure?

No, liver of any animal is not good for high blood pressure, high blood sugar or high blood lipid. Liver always contain a lot of fat and cholesterol, which is very bad if you already have vascular system problem. Actually, besides liver, you'd better avoid or reduce eating any of the animal guts as well as high fat or high sugar or high cholestrol food.

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The liver of a mammal is very high in vitamin A. This vitamin is said to help with night blindness and blindness in general.

Is eating chicken liver bad for you?

Chicken liver can be a nutritious food as it is high in protein, iron, and vitamins. However, it is also high in cholesterol and should be consumed in moderation, especially for individuals with high cholesterol levels. It is important to balance your diet and not rely solely on chicken liver for your nutrient intake.

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Alcohol by itself can only very mildly cause a reduction in sperm count. But a person who drinks every day is causing damage to their liver. When the liver is damaged, it doesn't process hormones correctly and an increase in estrogen can occur. This leads to gynecomastia (man boobs), and can reduce sperm count. But if the liver damage has progressed to this point, the person has bigger health concerns than a low sperm count.

Why is liver not good for pregnant people?

Liver contains very high levels of the retinol form of vitamin A, which can be harmful to your developing baby, particularly in the first trimester.

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A variety of fish, but Cod is very common. It has very high concentrations of beneficial oils in the liver.

What is considered a high sperm count?

The average sperm count is about 15 million sperm per milliliter. Anything over that amount can be considered high. Some men have as many as 40 million sperm in their sperm count.

Is your platlet high at 10.0?

NO. If your platlets are 10.0 that is very low and you could be in trouble. Are you by any chance in liver failure?

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A high count of triglycerides in blood means that the lipid or fat levels in the blood are over 200 to 499 mg/dL(milligrams/deciliter), A very high triglyceride count is considered to be over 500 mg/dL.

Can tyleonl pm get you high?

Why, yes it can get you high. In very high doses it can that is. But of course- I should mention- Before that happens, your liver fails. So.. You'll be high a little bit before you die :]