No, it is caused by an infection or when your body decides it needs to "starve off" foreign substances.
Some people do not run fevers when they have a viral infection. A low fever may be present in the instance of a milder infection.
du to an infection
Its a body protection.virus cant multiply if the body is heating.
Your white blood cells help to fight infection. A fever is your body's response to kill infection by increasing it's temperature. All in all if you have a fever there is an infection present, to have a low white count on top of this can mean many things. Best thing to do is talk to your doctor.
Yes it is possible to get an infection or even STD during menstruation.
Five to ten percent of all diagnosed cases of yellow fever are fatal. Jaundice occurring during a yellow fever infection is an extremely grave predictor. Twenty to fifty percent of these patients die of the infection
A fever is beneficial during a bacterial infection because it helps the body fight off the infection by creating an environment that is less favorable for the bacteria to thrive in. The increased body temperature can enhance the immune response, making it easier for the body to identify and destroy the bacteria causing the infection.
Yes and it can get extremely high as a staph infection is a terrible one to have
Herpangina is a viral infection that effects the mouth. It can present with ulcers or sores inside the mouth, a sore throat, and a fever.
Nimonia (pneumonia) fever is the fever that occurs with the lung infection pneumonia. Pneumonia is a serious infection caused by bacteria, virus, or fungus. The fever that accompanies pneumonia is the body's way of trying to fight this infection.
because of infection, if there is an infection, probably it has bacteria that cause fever to the patient.
No, fever is a symptom of infection or dehydration.