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Q: Is a fever a normal sign of concussion?
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Can you get a fever from a concussion?

yes it's possible

Your baby had a circumcision is a little bit of fever normal?

No, it's not. Even a little fever can be a sign of infection. You should consult your pediatrician.

Sleep after suffering a concussion?

Sleep after suffering a concussion is pretty normal. HOWEVER! Sleeping that progessively gets longer and deeper (and confusion present) is NOT normal. This could be a sign of a bleed in the brain that is gettig worse. Seek IMMEDIATE medical attention. Any brain injury is SERIOUS!

Is it normal to get a fewer when you get a wisdom tooth?

a fewer? you mean fever? ITS NOT UNCOMMON. But its a sign of infection or abcess.

Is it normal to have small fever in the day for weeks and nothing in the evening or morning?

No. A fever that reoccurs for more than a few days is always a sign to see a doctor.

Is a fever a sign or or a symptom?

A fever is a sign of an illness, since it can be measured objectively.

Is a fever a symptom or a sign?

A fever is a sign of an illness, since it can be measured objectively.

What does it mean when you have a fever?

A fever is a higher-than-normal body temperature, often a sign that the body is fighting an infection such as a virus or bacteria. It's a natural response to help the immune system combat the source of infection.

When a patient is experiencing a fever what resets the body's temperature set point?

When a patient has a fever it is usually a sign that there is an infection, bacteria or virus in the patientÕs body. To reduce the fever there are medications like Tylenol and cooling techniques to reset the normal temperature.

When a patient is experiencing a fever the what resets the body temperature set point?

When a patient has a fever it is usually a sign that there is an infection, bacteria or virus in the patientÕs body. To reduce the fever there are medications like Tylenol and cooling techniques to reset the normal temperature.

What will happen if pupil is constricted?

Non-responsive pupils are often a sign of brain trauma, and are usually a sign of a concussion.

When a patient is experiencing a fever the resets the body's temperature set point?

When a patient has a fever it is usually a sign that there is an infection, bacteria or virus in the patientÕs body. To reduce the fever there are medications like Tylenol and cooling techniques to reset the normal temperature.