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Yes. You could get frostbite. The reason: Salt lowers the freezing point of water. As the ice absorbs energy from its surroundings (salt water), the temperature will drop, but instead of stopping at 0°C, when water would start to freeze, the salt water will continue to drop below 0°C in temperature, because it's not at its freezing point, yet.

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Q: Is a bad to put salt on an ice cube and eat it?
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What melt first of a ice cube salt and ice cube with salt?

an ice cube with salt

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Ice cube with salt. The salt disrupts the lattice formation in the ice, lowering the melting temperature. As the salt melts ice, the surface area exposed to the salt increases, further perpetuationg the reaction.

Does an ice cube melt faster in soapy or salt water?

An ice cube melts faster in salt water.

How long does it take to an ice cube with and without salt?

It takes less time to melt the ice cube with salt.

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Salt water will melt an ice cube faster.

Why if you left an ice cube and salt at the sun the ice cube melts and the salt doesnt?

Because the melting temperature of the ice is 32°F and the melting temperature of the salt is 1,474°F.

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Yes, in fact it doesnt melt. The salt goes through the ice, then make little holes in the ice.

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You take a ice cube and some salt. First pour some salt on your arm and then put the ice cube on top and let it sit there for about 45 seconds. You will feel the burn.

How do you do the salt and ice challenge?

You take a ice cube and some salt. First pour some salt on your arm and then put the ice cube on top and let it sit there for about 45 seconds. You will feel the burn.

What will make an ice cube melt salt or sugar?

Salt, obviously.

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that depends on the size of the ice cube, how much salt, and the ambient temperature.

What happens when you sprinkle salt on an ice cube?

it melts...