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Yes, Trimix is an injectable drug for erectile dysfunction. Trimix is ​​a compound of vasoactive substances that, with their combined effects, produce a more predictable, satisfactory, and safe.

While the reasons for erectile dysfunction may be different, Trimix for erectile dysfunction offers effective therapy for patients for whom oral medications do not provide results or who experience severe side effects. Trimix is ​​a highly personalized medicine according to what each patient needs. Trimix is ​​the ideal therapy for diabetic patients. For more you can feel free to connect with us via email and phone number.



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15y ago

Yes, a TriMix injection is occasionally prescribed for erectile difficulties, but most physicians will try a patient on Cialis, Viagra or some other drug in pill form.

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Trimix is a drug?

TriMix infusions are an option in contrast to PDE5 Inhibitor tablets. Trimix Injections are a compound made of 3 medications, which gives a successful treatment to erectile brokenness. TriMix is managed as a self-infusion applied straightforwardly into the personal body part. The 3 medications are Papaverine, Prostaglandin, and Phentolamine. These three accumulates work by widening the veins in the personal bodt part, and the achievement rate is extremely high. TriMix's pharmacologic differentiation is that the penile infusions, in contrast to oral prescriptions, trigger a programmed ED in under 5 minutes. Conact : 407-900-0584 (usa)

An Introduction to Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as impotence, is a sexual dysfunction in which patients are unable to develop or sustain an erection during sexual activity. Many men occasionally have difficultly producing an erection, but true erectile dysfunction is an ongoing problem. Men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction may also experience a decrease in their sex drive.What are the Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?Many of the body's systems are involved in the process of sexual arousal. Hormones, the nervous system, brain, muscles and circulatory systems all play an important role in the development of an erection. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by problems developing in any of these systems or organs.Most commonly, erectile dysfunction is caused by physical problems. Heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, drug or alcohol abuse, multiple sclerosis, low levels of testosterone, metabolic syndromes, diabetes and clogged blood vessels can all cause the dysfunction.Sometimes, erectile dysfunction can be caused by psychological issues. Feelings of stress, depression, anxiety or unhappiness in a relationship can put a strain on sexual relations. These strains can cause interference with arousal, leading to erectile dysfunction.How is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?Doctors usually recommend treatment after completing a physical exam and taking a patient's medical history. If the doctor believes other medical problems may be a cause of the dysfunction, further testing may be required. A blood test can rule out hormonal issues, diabetes or heart disease as causes of erectile dysfunction. A urine test may also be used to look for diabetes. An ultrasound may be used to examine the blood flow to the penis. Some patients may take an overnight erection test to rule out physical causes entirely. During this test, a tape is wrapped around the penis before sleep. A broken tape in the morning indicates a night-time erection. Most men have erections while sleeping but don't remember having them. If an erection occurs over night, the cause of erectile dysfunction is most likely to be psychological, not physical.