Theresa Randle's birth name is Theresa Ellen Randle.
Theresa Randle is 5' 5".
Theresa Randle was born on December 27, 1964.
Theresa Randle was born on December 27, 1964.
Theresa Ann Lane Haggard is around 57 years old. She was 33 in 1993 when she married Merle, who was 56 then (born April 6, 1937). She was his 5th wife.
Theresa Mills
Francis Stephen of Lorraine
episode 2
Married to Theresa Keane, still is.
He was married to Maria Theresa of Spain, but he had 18 (!!!) official mistresses (top that, Tiger!)
no, he's married to Theresa Murillo.