No Stephen Jefferys is not gay he is married to the director Annable Arden and he has 2 sons.
Stephen Jefferies was born on December 8, 1959.
Stephen Jefferies was born on December 8, 1959.
Stephen Jefferies is 51 years old (birthdate: December 8, 1959).
Stephen Jefferies went to Suzhou in China to the Suzhou Arts and Cultural Centre. He was appointed Founding Artistic Director and Choreographer for the Suzhou Ballet Theatre. A company he formed along with his wife Rashna Homji ( Dance Director). He choreographed the production Voyages for this company.
No Stephen is actually gay
William Jefferies goes by Billy Jefferies.
Stephen Fry is openly gay.
There are no "gay rights". Gay people should have every statutory and Constitutional right Straight people have.