Angel eyes knew Tuco knew about the gold.
Attributing symbolic significance to objects, events, or relationships is known as seeing omens. An omen can be good or bad, and usually foreshadows something that is about to happen.
Excepting the rare cases of contamination after an accident foods contain uranium in extremely traces, without any health significance.
A flickering in either eye, more commonly called a twitch, has no significance as an omen either good or bad. It generally originates as an irritation of a nerve. If it continues or becomes quite bothersome, you should seek advice from a medical professional.
problay good things
they did some good stuff
There is no symbolic significance to a fox crossing one's path.
The hijab is a personal choice for many Muslim women and is worn as a symbol of modesty and religious devotion. It is not inherently good or bad, but rather a matter of individual interpretation and cultural significance. It is important to respect each person's choice to wear or not wear the hijab.
They aren't sure what the significance is, but it may be symbols of hope for good crops.
good and bad
Bad And Good