Jackson is bald, but enjoys wearing unusual wigs in his films. He remembers having a big fro when they were popular and noticing an increasingly large hole in the middle, so he quickly decided to shave it all off and had his first role as a bald man in The Great White.
Yes, Samuel L. Jackson has 1 kids
Samuel L Jackson has 1 child
Samuel L Jackson has 1 child
No, Samuel L Jackson is not single.
Leroy is the "L" in Samuel Jackson's name. Samuel Leroy Jackson is his full name.
Samuel L Jackson is a/an Actor,producer
Samuel L. Jackson was born on December 21, 1948.
Do Samuel L Jackson a billionare
Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson was born on December 21, 1948.
Samuel L Jackson married to LaTanya Richardson in 1980
Samuel L. Jackson was born on December 21, 1948.