Yes Richard Clayderman is alive , he lives in Normandy with his wife and son.
As of December 30, 2013, Richard Clayderman is still alive.
Richard Clayderman is Jehovah's Witnessess
Richard Clayderman was born on December 28, 1953.
Richard Clayderman was born on December 28, 1953.
how tall is Richard Clayderman? 5 ft 10 inches.
Richard Clayderman's birth name is Philippe Pags.
Richard Clayderman is 57 years old (birthdate: December 28, 1953).
Richard Clayderman's first wife was Rosalinde Voigt. They got married in 1976.
A memorable song by Richard Clayderman would be "Casablanca" as well as "Wind Beneath my Wings." Richard Clayderman is fifty-nine (59) years old and he is a well known French pianist.
Richard Hamilton was born in 1922 and is still alive
Richard Long, born on 2 Jun 1945, is still alive.
Yes, he is alive.